DaMu Web

by Dakwatul Musthofa



For the blessings and mercy of Allah SWT, we convey worship and thanksgiving to Allah SWT.May prayers and greetings always be poured out on our lord, the noble Prophet, who guided us from the dark age to an era brightly lit by the light of truth of His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad SAW.At the end of the current era, the light of Islam is increasingly fading, as was said by His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad SAWFrom az-Zubair bin Adi, he said: I met Anas bin Malik. We complained about what we found from al-Hajjajs (atrocities). Anas said: "Be patient, because there is no era but the one after it that is worse than it, until you meet your Lord." I heard this from your Prophet SAW.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, XVII : 557, no. 7068)And also on the basis of the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW"Convey from me even just one verse" (HR. Bukhari)So we were moved to form an Android application "DaMu Web" whose contents convey religious knowledge and also dhikr to Allah SWT packaged in one container by the Al-Khoirot Dakwatul Musthofa FoundationThats a little of the background that underlies the existence of this DaMu Web Application which, God willing, is for nothing other than the sake of getting the blessing of Allah SWT and His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad SAW... Aamiin...